Laser Hair Reduction

Hair reduction with lasers is not a new thing we hear about now a days. Initially, people used to get Lasers for only limited areas like beard like growth on  girls face or upperlips areas but now its very common with even men for their body hair too.

Mechanism of Laser to reduce the hair:

Targeted area is marked and cleaned from the skin. Required intensity of the laser is given which depends upon the colour of the skin and the thickness of the hair. Cooling pack is applied to make the patient comfortable and required medication is applied and given to the patient.

Now a days, the laser treatments are not very uncomfortable, and we have many parameters to follow according to the patient’s comfort. For certain areas like Underlegs area or the vaginal – bikini areas, we get applied the anaesthetic cream to further reduce the severity of the sensation.

Lasers for hair reduction helps in three ways:

  • It reduces the thickness of the hair.
  • It reduces  density of the hair and delays the hair growth.
  • Increases the time gap between the sittings.

Areas we target :

Laser can be done on any areas where hair needs to be removed but we target “ Unwanted areas” like:

Unwanted facial hair on female face. (Thick beard like growth on Upper lips, chin, sidelocks ,midbrows, forehead and brow shaping)
*Beard shaping for men( upper cheek areas)
* Legs and under legs area
* Arms and Under arms
* Chest and back areas.

Number of sessions required:

We call the patients every 4 to 6 weeks for initial 4-5 sittings and there after patients come for maintenance. For body hair, we call them in 2 months time for 3-4 sittings and after that, they need to come for maintainance.

Hair keep getting scanty and thinner and hair growth is delayed to a great extent.

Types of machines we use:

For laser hair reduction, people are only aware of the word” Diode” which is type of laser but not the world of lasers. In this laser world, types of lasers means using different wavelength of the light targeting different kind of hair.

We have Diode, long pulsed Nd Yag and IPL( intense pulsed laser ) and a combination of three wavelengths (diode, Nd yag and alexandrite ).

Diode based: Lumenis Desire
IPL( intense pulsed Light): Stellar
Triple wavelength laser: Alma Soprano Titanium.

Though all the three machines we use are US FDA approved machines and amongst best machines globally but we boast to own triple wavelength – ALMA Soprano laser. The use of three wavelength damages the hair follicles present at three different depths of skin simultaneously.