Pico Toning

Pico Toning has taken non-ablative skin rejuvenation to a new level. Picotoning can improve skin texture, reduce pore size, and improve unwanted epidermal and dermal pigmentation.

How it works

Picotoning involves the use of ultra-short pulses of laser light (picosecond duration) which are applied to the skin through a lens called the Focus Lens Array. This lens delivers tightly focused high laser energy embedded in a low energy background. The mechanism of action is different to other lasers as the ultra-short pulses cause an acoustic effect as much as a pure heat effect.

The energy in the top layer of the skin can shatter surface pigment but also cause a cascade effect which can result in remodeling of collagen in the lower layers of the skin (what some call the ‘Spring effect’ of treating the surface to remodel deeper). The end result is a reduction of surface epidermal problems like pigmentation as well as improvement in skin texture, skin tone, acne scarring and a reduction in wrinkles from deeper dermal effects.

Newer protocols, called Picotuning and the Picofacial, combine several passes of different intensities and can achieve even better and faster results.

Advantages of the Pico Laser for Toning

  • Enhanced brightening
  • Brand-new collagen growth
  • Lower risk of thermal injury
  • No discomfort during treatment
  • Fast treatment (10 minutes)Minimal downtime
  • Results can be seen after just one treatment